Dear viewers today I am gonna show you to design a creative bi-fold brochure. To design this brochure you need the latest version of Adobe Photoshop. In this lesson, you are going to learn how to create the perfect shape and color for a brochure. please follow this step by step. So let's start the tutorial. This brochure template is designed for real estate companies. If you want you can make it for other corporate designs If you can make this brochure template.
Some important information of this brochure template:
- Size : (Height x wide)- A4
- Bleed Area :(up x down x left x Right) - 25pixel x 25pixel x 25pixel x 25pixel
- Resolution : 300 DPI
- Color Mode: CMYK
- Template type : PSD,PDF,JPG,
- Font Names: Arial, Babies,
Design Description:
This first work in the design we need stock photos according to client requirements. here I use four photos. One of the photos is an outside house image and another three is a house inside photo. However, To design this brochure PSD I have used a few ellipse shapes and used the pen tool to make custom shapes. In the background section, I have used a line pattern.
I make some categories using the Cercle shape. to make the category first I draw an ellipse shape duplicate the shape two times. that means three ellipse shapes. after that, I did clipping masks with the house inside photos one by one. then I write the category price inside the circle area. And I do the same with the main photo but this time I use the pen tools and make a custom shape after that, go the blending option of the custom shape and check the stroke on and make the stroke color white. Make sure you apply the setting after the clipping mask.
Now I use the photoshop type tool and write all the information that I need to include in this brochure design.
If you have any quary let me know